The Kettlebell Clean

Workout of the Day:

A. Wendler Back Squat Week 5 (add 10lbs to old 1RM)
5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85%

B1. Bench Press x3-5 reps
B2. SL Squat Off 20\”Box x5/Leg”
Three Sets. Rest 60sec

C. For Time:
KB Clean
Box Jump Step Down
**Run 300m Before each set


A. Back Squat (Finish these sets in 20min)
6 Reps @70%
4 Reps @75%
4 Reps @80%
2 Reps @85%
2 Reps @90%
Max Reps @85%
**Super every set of squats with 2-3 High rebounding box jumps

B. Every 3 minutes add two reps until you cannot complete the sets in the given time
2 Rounds
10 OHS 95/65
10 C2B Pull Ups

*This will be our benchmark that we will be repeating in 7 weeks.

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