31 Heroes: A Workout to Remember

Okay, I usually don’t do this but I’m going to reveal the Saturday WOD today…
It’s the 31 Heroes WOD.
You may have heard of it, but if you haven’t, this Saturday Crossfit Gyms across the entire U.S are going to be doing the same workout as a fundraiser to commemorate the Navy Seals and Special Forces that lost their Lives on August 6th.
To do the workout as other Crossfitters are doing it across the nation, go to 31heroes.com and make a donation of $31 to the Navy Seals Foundation supporting the families of the soldiers. Then come workout in salute to the fallen.
You of course don’t have to donate to do the workout but it does add solemnity and salvo to what would otherwise be “just another metcon”
I hope you’ll join and invite anyone you want to participate.
Now, here’s tomorrow’s WOD
3 Rounds
40 Jump Lunges (you’re welcome Sheila)
30 V-ups
20 Clapping Push Ups
10 Reverse Push Ups (aka ring rows or “supine Pull Ups”)
400m Sprint
* Rest 3 minutes between each round *
