Friday, May 25th

Workout of the Day
A. AMRAP 10:
2/2 DB Tripod Rows
2 Bumper Plate GTO
2cal. Assault Bike/Row
Add 1 Rep/cal. each round to the given exercises.
B. 2 Sets of(2:30min):
1:00min Russian Twists with Pec Deck
:30s Rest
1:00min Leg Lowering with Pec Deck
:30s Rest
C. 1-2 Sets of:
SB Front Rack Lunges, one step L, one step right + 2 Front Squats
SB Front Rack Lunges, one step L, one step right + 2 SB Push Presses
SB Front Rack Lunges, one step L, one step right + 2 SB Thrusters
Follow pattern till you covered 20m of distance. Find heaviest SB possible for this task.
D. EMOM 10(5 Sets):
Even: OA DB Rows L + OA DB Side Delt Raise L + OA DB Rear Delt Raise L
Odd: OA DB Rows R + OA DB Side Delt Raise R + OA DB Rear Delt Raise R
