Really, Have You Registered?

Again, in case you missed the post yesterday, this Sunday is Our Battleship 5k and Tribute WOD.
It is a Workout on a WWII Battleship for all levels of athletes. Not a competition but a tribute WOD all of us athletes can do together for veterans.
Wednesday is the last day to register for the WOD so if you planning to participate, stop procrastinating. Click the link below!
You can register for the run here:
And again, if you have no interest in doing the WOD but would like to volunteer. We DO need people to help out. Email if you’re interested.
Workout of the Day:
A. Powell Raise 3×10 Rest 1min Btw Sets
B. 3×5 Wall Walks (nose to wall is Rx). Rest 1min Btw Sets
C. 3×15-20 UB Wall Ball. Rest as long as you need in order to complete the next set UB.
D. EMOM for 30min
Min 1-10 KBS
Min 2-Goblet Squat
Min 3-KB OH Anyway
A. Jerk Support 3×2 w / 3 Count @105-110% 1RM (elbows UP UP UP)
B. Jerk Balance 3×3
C. Push Press 3×3
(30-40min Here)
D1. Muscle Ups or Bar Muscle Ups or Strict C2B Pull Up 2-6 UB
Rest :30
D2. BB Step Up Onto 20” x10/leg 115/75
Rest :30
D3. Deadlift x5 315/225 (no Switch Grip) ** Does not have to be TnG
x7 Sets / Rest 3-5min Btw Sets
