Sled Tail

I forgot how much I enjoyed running…
For the last six weeks every Tuesday  we have been doing running workouts, which I have thoroughly enjoyed and hated at the same time.
I honestly believe there is nothing harder than sprinting, and I mean truly and honestly going balls out hard, a 400m dash. It’s actually scary and gives me a little anxiety when I think about it… Even now sitting in my room I can imagine lining up at the starting line and getting ready to go and just gives me the butterflies.
I know you can run anytime on your own and that you don’t need a gym to do it, but there is something about running with a group of people who share a similar hardworking mindset, that you really can’t get anywhere else.
Long story short, don’t skip out on the running WODs. They truely are amazing. Matt is a fantastic running coach (and easy on the eyes) and he has been helping all of us improve our running technique.
If that doesn’t get you fired then just think about where you will be when the zombie apocalypse comes… you don’t always need to outrun the zombie, just the person next to you.
If you dig the running WODs or you hate them leave me some feedback in the comments… they may end up being a short cycle or something we stick with for a while.

Workout of the Day:
A. 10:00 Medball Throwing
Start with a 20lb ball and every 2:00 use a lighter one. For every dropped ball both teammates must do 5 burpees each.
B. Team WOD
Amrap 6min
Partner 1: 50ft sled pull with long ropes, then 50ft sled push back to starting position, must be completed two times
Partner 2: must hold 2xKB in rack position while partner 1 works, switch stations when partner 1 finishes sled work
-Rest 5:00-
Repeat Amrap 6min
Partner 1: 50ft sled pull with long ropes, then 50ft sled push back to starting position, must be completed two times
Partner 2: must hold 2xKB in rack position while partner 1 works, switch stations when partner 1 finishes sled work
A. Snatch
EMOM x11
* Rest at minute 5
*Start at 50-55% of 1RM and build each minute based off of feel, if feeling good at minute 10, go for a new PR or just hit something heavy, only 1 miss is permitted.
B. Conditioning
3 RFT:
21 Cal Row
15 Box Jumps, 24/20
9 Power Snatch, 115/80
C. Conditioning
2×1 min Assault Bike, 3 min Rest
2x:40 Assault Bike, 2 min Rest
2x:20 Assault Bike, 1:20 Rest
