Here we are, 3 months, 90 some odd days, and 1 full quarter in to 2012.
How are those resolutions working out for ya?
Still holding strong or have you forgotten what you even wanted out of 2012 when the ball dropped?
It’s incredible how fast time flies and if you’re not paying attention it *will* pass you by.
This year I resolved to make 2012 much more deliberate. I didn’t want December to arrive thinking “Where did the year go!?” And with it, a sense of guilt at not having succeeded in the ambitions I set 11 months earlier.
Not this year.
So, I am here to do the same for you. To remind you that a full quarter of the year is gone but there is still 275 days left to kick some ass!
How are you doing?
Are you improving? Are you keeping the promises you made to yourself? Have you accomplished what you said you would? Are you putting in the time to become a better version of yourself than the one you were in 2011? If you are, pat yourself on the back. It’s gonna be a great year! Or are you floating? Are you selling yourself short? Are you letting excuses and circumstances have the last word? If you are, than it’s time to call yourself out. We all have to do that from time to time. Slap yourself awake. Get back on the horse. There’s still 3 quarters left in the game.
While you’re at it, you may wanna think about:
What am I really aiming at in 2012?
What things am I doing (or not) that are keeping me from getting there?
Friendly reminder….
Have you registered for the Port Town Throwdown 5k?If not go here: Heyday 5k and do it now.
From there, you can send that link to friends and family to donate to the cause!
I have a letter template you can email to friends family and co-workers too. Just email me and I’ll send it over.
BTW, this Saturday at 11:00am we’ll being doing the check-in for the challenge we set 6 weeks ago.
10x100m Run
3×10 Of
-Ring Dips
-Strict Pull Ups
-Toes to Bar
-Handstand walks?
90 Days Deep
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