Are You At The Office?

I’m sitting here still trying to catch my breath from the killer workout we just did at the gym.
Right now I feel great. One hour ago? Not so much.
I did NOT want to workout today. Sometimes the energy just is NOT there you know?
A warm bed, a cold beer. Just a little more sleep… Ahhhh.
When that feeling hits, it would be soooo much easier to flip open the laptop, kick my feet up, and put on a little Breaking Bad…Or sleep in a little longer (that seductively soft voice whispers: Ya, go ahead…. just skip today).
Every time that urge starts to take hold, a nagging voice gets very loud and reminds me.
Do You Really Want This?
There’s a reason YOU set goals this year.
Is that little tiny little urge put off the work worth it to you?
Do you really want to be in the same exact place next year?
There’s a reason people fail left and right. Because it ain’t easy. If it were, everyone would have it.
Right now if you’re at the office there’s certain people that feel uncomfortable around you. Your goals make them uneasy.
They see you putting in the hard work. They see you passing on the pastries. They see your focus.
They’ll tell you things like, “C’mon live little… You can have just ONE”.
Why? Because if YOU can’t, they’ll feel a little better about giving up on themselves.
They can go on quietly ignoring that voice telling them things need to change. A little less out of their comfort zone.
But if you keep up the hard work day-in day-out. Keep on keeping on—Your results will be hard to ignore.
And then guess what?
People start to feel like they can too. Your progress becomes contagious.
You’ll inspire a movement.
So right now if you don’t feel particularly pumped up. You have a choice.
You can be at the mercy of that nagging desire to be comfortable.
Or you can choose a higher road. One committed to progress…To being better than yesterday.
Keep fightin the good fight.
P.S. If you want accountability. If you want to get started the right way and get permanent results give us a call for a no-obilgation consult at 310-692-4439.
Workout of the Day
2K Row for time
6 DB/KB Thrusters 50/35
9 DB/KB Snatchs
12 Strict TTB
In 20 min Finish
3×3 Front Squat
3xME Ring Push Up or Push Up

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