Friday, August 23rd

Workout of the Day
“A. 3 Rounds
DB Tate Press x 15 Reps
rest 30sec
JM BB Press x 15 Reps
rest 30sec
Strict Toes to Bar x 6-8 Reps *eccentric for 3 count

“Teams Of 2 Complete
Buy In:
50 Stone Over Shoulder
60 Cal Bike
40 Wall Ball
20 Burpees
100m Stone Carry ”
530PM Dynamic Upper Conjugate
“Shoulder Tap x 150
2 Rounds
Banded Lat Pull Down x 20
Bear Crawl x 20m
2 Rounds
Banded Pull Apart x 20
Cap Cars Shouldter int+ext Rotation x 3 ea arm

“5 Monster sets, rest 90sec after axel
Incline DB Press x 6-8 *hold bottom of last rep for active 10 count
Close Grip Bench Press x 6-8
Hanging Wipers x 6-8
*do the wipers with straight leg or knees tucked

HEAVY Renegade Row x 10 reps (total)
ISO Banded Curl + Squat x 6-10 Reps @3111
Single Arm OH BB Carry x 40m (use the short BBs)”
2 x 5 Partnered Passive Range Hold for shoulder Flexion (5sec hold)

More from Heyday Elite Fitness

While most diets focus on severe calorie restriction (eating less) and excessive cardio (doing more) we try to take a bit of a different approach.

Tell me if you’ve ever said something like this, “I wanna GET in shape” “I wanna GET skinny” “I wanna GET more of this….GET better

I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret… If I only did things I **felt** totally capable of…. I’d DO VERY little.
