Friday, August 2nd

Workout of the Day
“A. 3 Rounds
DB Ext Rotation x 6-8
rest 30sec
Decline DB Bench x 8-10
rest 30sec
Seated L-Sit x 30-60sec ”
“Teams Of 3 Complete (30min Cap)
100 Cal Row
9 Rounds Rounds
100m SB Carry
45 Air Squats
45 Push Ups
100 Cal Row

530PM Dynamic Upper Conjugate
“Shoulder Tap x 100
2 Rounds
Banded Lat Pull Down x 20
PVC Cuban Press x 10
2 Rounds
Single Arm DB Reverse Fly x 8 each arm”
” 10 x 3 Pendlay Row @60% + Bands
3 rounds for quality
DB Single Arm Bench Press Half Body off Bench x 6-8 reps
Single Arm Heavy DB Row x 5-6 Reps

Rope climb x 3/2
BB Floor Press x 8
300/250m Row”
100 Banded Pull Aparts

More from Heyday Elite Fitness

While most diets focus on severe calorie restriction (eating less) and excessive cardio (doing more) we try to take a bit of a different approach.

Tell me if you’ve ever said something like this, “I wanna GET in shape” “I wanna GET skinny” “I wanna GET more of this….GET better

I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret… If I only did things I **felt** totally capable of…. I’d DO VERY little.
