The Games Season is Upon Us.
There are many reasons for another challenge, for some it’s the observance of lent, for others it’s the Crossfit games season and for many others, it’s been nearly two months since the end of the Paleo challenge and we need that little something that will provide the accountability we often need to make a strict regimen work.
That time has come.
This Saturday I will be holding a challenge-ish / goal-setting meeting at 11am. It will be somewhat similar to the challenges we’ve done before only, you choose the terms.
You determine what you are going to challenge yourself to do till April 5th (Easter). I like to use holidays.
You can go back on Paleo, you can do slow carb, you can pledge to workout at least 4 times a week, give up candy (Matt) or pledge to get your muscle-up.
Really, it’s all about you and where you think you need the challenge. What thing, if you changed, could make the biggest difference for you?
One thing though, you need an outcome and a why.
I want you to do this challenge for a reason. You have to be working towards something.
For many of us, it will be to get into peak condition for the Crossfit Games. We want to eat clean and train hard so that we can perform to the best of our abilities. To prove to ourselves we can.
If you want to take on a challenge, you should take the next couple days to figure that out and on Saturday we can set some goals together. My Goal is to help you come to the gym on Monday with a clear purpose in mind to your training for the next 30+ days. To have you reinvigorated by the power of a collective challenge.
So, if you find yourself yearning to “Get Back On The Wagon“, now is the time to do it.
You should talk this over with people who’d have similar goals and take on the same challenge with a few others. I’m sure many would want to jump on the Paleo wagon.
Mull it over and I’ll see you on Saturday! Bring a notebook.
4 Rounds
3 Back Squat (for weight)
5 Free Standing HSPU (no wall)
* Rest as needed between rounds.