I'm Back and Loving It… The Slump Buster

Nothing… and I mean nothing feels better than coming back from an injury and kicking some ass.
I just recently recovered from a back injury that was making my life hell for the past month. I took two weeks off, and when I say “off” I mean I did absolutely nothing. All I could do was live vicariously through all of you.
A month and a half later, I am back on the rugby pitch doing what I do best and I AM LOVING IT!!! I was ready to quit rugby and focus on school and training only, but this past weekend in Vegas lit a fire under my butt, reinvigorated my passion to play and got me out of my slump.
– What do you do when you are down and out?
– How do you get through the dip?
– How do you bust your slump???
For me it is hurling my body at other men at very high speeds and delivering bone crunching hits… but hey, that is just me.
Please share your thoughts on slump busting.
And, if any of you are interested in coming to watch one of my games, I will be playing in Santa Monica this saturday at 2:00pm.
3 Rounds
21 Thrusters #75, #55
500m Row
21 SDLHP #75, #55
