March Ends

Workout of the Day:
A. Week 8 of 8 Wendler Shoulder Press Cycle
De-Load 1×5@40 1×5@50 1×5@60
B. EMOM 10min
Odd: x1-3 Strict Pull Ups
Even: WT Dip x 2 (tough)
C. 2 Rounds for Time:
20 DB Push Press 35/20
3 TGU/Arm
20 Barbell Press (60%)
3 TGU/Arm
20 DB Snatch
A. Condo
1 RFT:
30 Pull Ups
50 Sit Ups
70 Double Unders
Immediately Into
2 RFT:
20 Pull Ups
40 Sit Ups
60 Double Unders
Immediately Into
3 RFT:
10 Pull Ups
20 Sit Ups
40 Double Unders

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