Papa Crossfitter

I love this pic. Thanks to John Mattera for the amazing pics he posted.
Check ’em out here
I hope you are all nursing those sunburns this week. Thanks to all of you for your help this weekend. We literally could not have done it without you. I love this group of people.
I hope you know you’ve brought a whole new level of awareness to the SP community. Their jaws were on the floor as they saw what you guys do on a weekly basis.
Push Press
*Note: Please remember to bring in your money for the Port Town Shirts if you have not done so yet. They were paid for by the foundation so I want to get them the proceeds. Checks are made payable to the LLS.

More from Heyday Elite Fitness

While most diets focus on severe calorie restriction (eating less) and excessive cardio (doing more) we try to take a bit of a different approach.

Tell me if you’ve ever said something like this, “I wanna GET in shape” “I wanna GET skinny” “I wanna GET more of this….GET better

I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret… If I only did things I **felt** totally capable of…. I’d DO VERY little.
