If you’ve been at the gym the past three months, then you’ve probably had a chance to meet Louie Cerda.
He is was the new guy whose been coming day after day for the past several months with a quiet determination to get in the best shape of his life.
Louie is a military man from the south bay, but when he came to Heyday he’d recently moved back from Upland California.
It all started when Eddie was at in&out, (standing in front urging the drive-thru line to repent and go to CrossFit) not to eat, when he saw Louie with a CrossFit shirt. They stuck up a conversation and Louie came to check us out.
Louie’s journey into CrossFit began 10 months earlier at his local upland gym CrossFit Kinnick. In that span Louie had made significant strides towards improving his health.
So when he came here, he hit the ground running and let’s just say the work paid off. He participated in the fat-loss challenge this summer and has made drastic changes to his body and overall fitness. All you have to do is take a look….
As you can see, the change is staggering. Louie went from having significant weight around his midline and chest, to lean, ripped, and muscular.
He credits his progress to eating right, training hard, and doing it consistently. He goes into a bit more detail. Take a look…
Louie’s progress wasn’t instant but it took him well under a year to completely transform his body. Do you wonder if change like this is possible? It is, if you’re serious about it.
The next year is coming whether you want it to or not. It’s up to you to decide who you will be when it does.
Next year will you have to buy new pants?
Clean & Jerk #185
Muscle Up