This is Our Dojo

A “dojo” is a miniature Cosmos where we make contact with ourselves -our fears, anxieties, reactions and habits.
It is an arena of confined conflict where we confont an opponent who is not opponent, but rather a partner engaged in helping us understand ourselves more fully. It is a place where we can learn a great deal in a short time about who we are and how we react in the world.
The conflicts that take place inside the dojo help us handle the conflicts that take place outside.
The total concentration and discipline required to study our limits carries over to daily life.
The activity in the dojo calls us to constantly attempt new things, so it is also a source of learningIn Zen terminology, a source of Self-Enlightenment.
~From Zen in the Martial Arts
Check out this article:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches
The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men: 75lbs
Women: 55lbs

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