Tuesday, August 20th

Workout of the Day
A1. Trap Bar Deadlift 10-10-10 @2X11 A2. Single Arm Upright KB Row 8-10 Reps A3. Leg Raise + Pulse 10-15 Reps *rest 30-45 seconds btw each station,
B. 2-3 Rounds Not For Time (20:00 Cap) 1000m Row 100m Sled (empty) 100m Farmer Carry 10 Alt DB G2OH *challenging weight for DB
530PM Max Effort Upper Conjugate
500m Ski @1:45/2:05 Shoulder Cars x 1;00 ea side Elbow Cars x 1;00 (same Time) 2 Rounds Duck Walk x 10m DB prontate+supinate x 10 each way DB ext Rotation x 10 ea DB Fly x 15
Find 5 Rep Max Incline Bench Press *5 Attempts 3 x MAX Push ups in 60sec rest 90sec
AMRAP 12-15 Inverted BB Row x 15 reps Heavy Farmer Carry x 40m Incline Tate Press x 10 (*attempt to add weight to FC)
2×25 GHDSU

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While most diets focus on severe calorie restriction (eating less) and excessive cardio (doing more) we try to take a bit of a different approach.

Tell me if you’ve ever said something like this, “I wanna GET in shape” “I wanna GET skinny” “I wanna GET more of this….GET better

I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret… If I only did things I **felt** totally capable of…. I’d DO VERY little.
