Tuesday, August 6th

Workout of the Day
“A. Box Squat (to Parallel)
1-1-1-1-1-1 @2X11
Three Super Sets, rest 60sec after B2
B1. Iso Inverted BB or Ring Row
x 30sec
B2. Alt DB Bent Over Rows x 20 reps ”
“C. 5 Rounds
200m Run
Lateral Sled Push 10m ea direction
200/150m Ski

530PM Max Effort Upper Conjugate
“500m Ski @1:45/2:05
Shoulder Cars x 1;00 ea side
Elbow Cars x 1;00 (same Time)
2 Rounds
Wall Walk x 3
DB Reverse Curls x 10
DB Fly x 15
DB Reverse Fly x 10

“Find 5 Rep Max Incline Bench Press *5 Attempts
6 x 30sec Push ups (15sec down + 15sec Up)”
“AMRAP 12-15
DB Tate Press x 10 reps
Pinch Grip Plate Carry x 50m
Diamond Push Ups x 10

3 x 3 each side Banded Oblique Walk Outs

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