Tuesday, May 28th

Workout of the Day
“A. 3 Rounds for Quality
3 TGU ea Arm
30sec Rest
45sec Ring FLR
30sec Rest
200′ Reverse Sled Drag”
“B. 4 Rounds For Time

“400m Run
10 Hang Power Clean and Jerks 135/95”
530PM Max Effort Upper Conjugate
“2 Rounds
Ski x 10 Cal
Plyo Push Ups off Bench x 6-8
Banded Pass Through x 10
PVC Earthquake OH Carry x 20m

“5 attempts to find 1 Rep Max Axel Bar Incline Bench Press using red mini bands
3 x 5-6 DB Incline Bench @31X1
3 x 6-8 Banded JM Press From Pins
2 x 3-5 Banded MU Transistion”
“3-5 Sets
15/12 Ass Bike All Out Sprint
10 DB Hang Devils Press
30sec Ring FLR
rest 60sec”

More from Heyday Elite Fitness

While most diets focus on severe calorie restriction (eating less) and excessive cardio (doing more) we try to take a bit of a different approach.

Tell me if you’ve ever said something like this, “I wanna GET in shape” “I wanna GET skinny” “I wanna GET more of this….GET better

I’m going to let you in on a dirty little secret… If I only did things I **felt** totally capable of…. I’d DO VERY little.
