Workout of the Day
“2 Sets NFT 20sec/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 15sec
Reverse Plank Bridge 20sec
rest 15sec
Tuck L-Sit 20sec on Parallettes
rest 15sec
50′ A Skips
rest 60sec
+ 90/90 KB Flow and Holds (if time permits)”
A. RNT Clean Grip RDL
8,7,6,6 @3131 rest 2min
“B1. BB Floor Press
6-8 reps @3011 x 3
B2. Dual DB Prone Row
8-10 reps @3021 x 3”
“C. AMRAP 10
3 Wall Walk
30sec Goblet Wall Sit 53/35
5 KB Snatches/arm 53/35
7 DB Bench Press @30X0
200m Run
Wednesday Lower
“2 Rounds
Banded Pull Through x 20
Walking Lunge x 10
Reverse Lunge x 10
Frog Bridge x 20”
“Every 45sex x 8 sets perform 2 Deadlift @75% 2RM
3 x 3-5 Negative Pull Ups 3-5 cnt
3 x 10 banded Rotation + Pallof Press w/wt”
AMRAP 15 10 KB Snatch ea 10 SA Front Rack Lunge 15 Hip Extensions
3 x 10-15 wtd sit up
Wednesday, April 17th
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