Workout of the Day
A. EMOM x 6
2 Power Cleans
B. Strict BB Bent Over Row
3 x 8-10 @3121
C. 5 Rounds
20 Cal Row
20 Burpees
Dynamic Lower Conjugate
“40/30 Cal bike/ski/row
High Knee Hug + Lunge + Twist x 3 ea side
2 sets
10 KB RDL + 15 RKBS
10 Scap Pull Ups + 10 Kip Swings
“Every 45sex x 12 sets perform 2 Deadlift @70%
3 Sets w/rest
x 3-5 wtd sup Pull Up + ME Strict Pull Ups
x 2-3 High Box Jumps
x 50m Sand Bag Carry”
“Every 3;00 x 3
12 KB Deadlift
100m Sled Sprint”
Side Sexy Abduction lift offs 2 x 5 ea side
Wednesday, May 15th
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