Wednesday, May 1st

Workout of the Day
“2-3 Sets NFT
30sec/leg Single Leg Hip Thrust Isometric (hold at top)
rest 15sec
Feet Elevated Thoracic Bridge 20sec
rest 15sec
Single Leg L-Sit on Parallettes x 15sec/side
rest 15sec
50′ Kareoka/side
rest 60sec”
A. Clean Grip RDL
3-4 Heavier @ 4010 + 8-10 Lighter @ 2010; rest 2-3misn x 4 sets *Strip set – perfrom 3-4 reps at a moderately tough weight, immediately strip the load and perform 8-10reps at the llighter load and quicker tempo
Glute Bridge Barbell Floor Press
30X0; 8-10reps x 2 set; 6-8reps; x 1 sets ; rest 75sec
Incline Dual Dumbbell Prone Row
31X2; 6-8reps x 2 sets; 4-6reps x 1 set; rest 75sec
12mins Continuous Work Grinder
2 Turkish Get Up R 8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU) 20m Single Arm KB Overhead carry R 12 Forearm Plank to Tall Plank 2 Turkish Get Up L 8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU) 20m Single Arm KB Overhead carry L Assault Bike .3 Miles
“40/30 Cal bike/ski/row
2 Rounds
Scap Cars x 3 ea
Patella Cars x Clock
Hip Sleeper x 8 ea
Knee CARS x 3 ea

“Every 45sex x 10 sets perform 2 Deadlift off 25lb plates @75% 2RM
3 x 3-5 wtd Negative Pull Ups 3-5 cnt
3 x 1 wtd Box Jump (increase height and weight)
3 x 8 Sand Bag Squat”
15 Banded Revers Crunch
10 Dbl RKBS
10 FR Lunge

2 x 30 Star Plank ea side

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