Whose Fired Up?

Shauno is.
Shauno started working out last year. He came for a few months, but life got in the way so he had to go on hiatus. This January he came resolving to hit the (Heyday) ground running. He needed to get in shape as preparation for enlistment in the Navy.
And he did.
He is progressing incredibly fast and it is showing! I saw him working out the other day and realized I was looking at a different person than the one who originally walked in.
Shauno is all positivity and energy. His battle call is “I’M FIRED UP!”
I’m even scared to post this because I’m not sure his body can handle how fired up he’s gonna be… Oh well.
I think his secret is unwavering consistency and an amazing attitude.
Let this set the tone for our upcoming challenge. Find the thing that’s keeping you from looking (and feeling) like *your* version of this!
Good job man! Keep it up. Let’s be inspired and be the next transformation…
Games WOD 12.1
AMRAP 7 Minutes
* Must jump and touch an object 6 inches from max reach.
* Chest and hips must touch the floor.
