Wild Things: 7 Weeks To The Best Shape Of Your Life

November is coming and with it, is the full-blown holiday season.

Soon, Gingerbread lattes, pumpkin muffins, and Christmas cookies will abound. In Starbucks, the office break room, and holiday parties you won’t be able to shake the smell of warm fluffy goodness that surrounds you.
As the weeks progress, hidden under a cosby-esque holiday sweater of many colors, many will have their own fluffy muffin tops making way as they gulp down lethal amounts of egg nog.
But not you.
You probably heard there’s a challenge coming up at the gym. There is. You probably thought it was gonna be awesome. You’re right.
Yes, it’s true we have planned a Holiday Season Challenge to keep the yuletide  gluttony at bay. I’ve called it a Paleo challenge, but actually, it’s much more than that. It’s a transformational challenge. It’s what every New Year’s resolution wishes it could be. It’s so serious that it’s starting 2 months earlier.
Starting November 1st we will begin the Wild Thing Paleo Challenge. It will be a 7-week endeavor challenging YOU to get into the best shape of your life. During these 7 weeks, using a point system, you will be rewarded for the positive habits and penalized for the bad ones.
This challenge is going to require much more out of you than any other “diet” but promises a huge transformation if you follow it.
We will measure everything and in the end the Biggest Transformation will win a generous Cash Prize.
– Duration: November 1st – December 21st
– Tuesday November 1st, 6:30pm (at Heyday)
– To participate you must complete the following: pre/post pictures, pre/post body composition measurements, pre/post vitals, and pre/post benchmark workout.
– The cost of this challenge is $50 (cost of blood-work is separate).
– All participants are expected to log all measurements, oral intake, workouts, and sleep (this is NOT as much work as you think, trust me.)
With the exception of blood-work (to measure cholesterol and triglycerides) we will be doing all of the measuring for you at our first meeting. We are working to make arrangements with a clinic but I urge you to set up a physical with your doctor if you can!
Let me be clear. It’s not a challenge to get you on some fad diet. It’s a best-shape-of-your-life challenge. It’s a body transformation challenge. It’s to give you a taste of what you could feel like all year, if you choose to.
I know most of you want to do something about taking your fitness or your bodies to the next level but can’t find the energy or motivation to do it fully.
This is your chance to do it, when ALL of the details have been figured out for you. Recipes, tracking, measurements, shopping lists, food logs. All of it. Just follow the steps and it will work.
This is a chance to do it alongside many other people. Tons of others will be doing this together and things like this are so much more doable when you’re not alone.
I mean c’mon, how many of you thought there was no way you could do these kinds of workouts before you started. Look what happened. All the people by your side fist pumping for you to finish, and you did. You can do this too.
Why the holiday season?
Every January gyms get massive droves of people coming to sign up at their gyms. Why? Because they haven’t done a thing all winter. Most of these people last all of 3 weeks before they lose steam and give up. You can’t eat all the snicker-doodles you want for 2 months and expect to make it come the new year.
This is *the time* because every holiday season so many people somehow give themselves a pass to throw health out the window. I’ve done it many times. The holidays are for family and celebration and sometimes that means indulging, I get that. But it’s when the indulging becomes the norm that we should take issue. Especially if we’re uphappy with our health and well-being.
I hate hearing when people say they want to get fit for summer. Really? you want to get fit for a season that lasts two months? We live in California. It’s always summer! I used to do this exact same thing. I treated my fitness as seasonal. It’s really stupid. It made fitness strictly about looking good for summer (and then hiding under winter clothing the rest). It’s so much easier to be fit (and look it too) all year long. Trust me.
The holidays are like the Battle of Normandy for nutrition. You get through this, the rest of the year is easy and the key to lasting fitness is to stop being at the whim of seasons and events and circumstances. I want to show you you can be fit anytime.
Why You?
Because you said you wanted this. Just by training here you’re making a statement about getting healthy. How great would it be to celebrate Christmas this year feeling and looking amazing? This year we’ll all go to Christmas family gatherings and a few days after that, New Years.
Just imagine you show up to the party, probably in some brand new form fitting outfit you look amazing in, and you do the rounds to say hello.
…when all of the sudden you hear…
Whoa! What have you been doing?! You look Great!! (this happens several more times throughout the night)

You hear that once and trust me you won’t regret a single cupcake you didn’t eat all season.
Yes, but can’t I have my cake and eat it too?
Absolutely. I wouldn’t ask you to give up the sweet sweet baked goods of the holidays completely. I’ve factored in actual Holidays as free days. Not cheat days. Free days. You’re free to eat what you wish on Thanksgiving and resume the plan the next day. And the challenge will end before Christmas Eve so you’ll be free to eat as you please then too. So you won’t even be missing the actual holidays!
So if this is something you think you want to do, begin preparing mentally. I will be writing about this is the days leading up to November 1st. Again, it’d be great if you went and got a physical to get your blood-work done.
I will be providing a ton of resources so not knowing what to buy or eat or avoid wont be a problem.
So, remember remember the 1st of November. It begins.
Watch This:

Push Press
3 Rounds
800m Run
50 V-Ups
50 Good Mornings 25lb Plate

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