

Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets BB Rear Rack Reverse Lunge x 4 Reps each Leg rest 30 50m (both Arms) Single Arm KB

Workout of the Day A. 3 Rounds Alt DB Incline Bench x 16-20 Reps rest 30sec BAnded Tricep Push Down x 30 Reps rest 30sec

Workout of the Day A. CGBB bench Press 5 x 3 @85% of 1RM rest 20sec DB Roll Over x 12-15 reps rest 90sec B.

Workout of the Day 0-5:00 1000m Row 6:00-12:00 3 Rounds 25 Wall Ball 200m Run 13:00-19:00 3 Rounds 15 Devils Press 100m Run 20:00-25:00 1000m

Workout of the Day   A1. Box Squat (to Parallel) 10-10-10 @2X11 A2. Alt KB Row From Sumo Stance 3 x 20 Reps A3. Leg

  Workout of the Day A. 3 Sets BB Rear Rack Reverse Lunge x 6 Reps each Leg rest 30 50m DBL KB Front Rack

Workout of the Day Fitness “A. 3 Rounds Iso DB Curl + Good Mornings x 6-8 @3111 rest 30sec Alt DB Bench x 16-20 Reps

Workout of the Day Fitness “A. CGBB bench Press 3-3-2-1-1-1 rest 20sec DB Tate Press x 8-10 reps rest 90sec” B. For Time 3 Rounds

Workout of the Day Fitness ” “”IWT”” 20 Wall Ball 2:00 Run @>440m/400m rest 2:00 3 Rounds Rest 2;00 15 Floor Press 2:00 Ski @>22/18

Workout of the Day Fitness “A. Box Squat (to Parallel) 1-1-1-1-1-1 @2X11 Three Super Sets, rest 60sec after B2 B1. Iso Inverted BB or Ring

Workout of the Day Fitness “A. 3 Sets BB Rear Rack Reverse Lunge x 8 Reps each Leg rest 30 50m Single Arm Front Rack

Workout of the Day Fitness “A. 3 Rounds DB Ext Rotation x 6-8 rest 30sec Decline DB Bench x 8-10 rest 30sec Seated L-Sit x